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Authorized and Prohibited Uses at Moneco
Authorized and Prohibited Uses at Moneco
Updated over a week ago

Authorized Activities

  • Receiving your salary or social benefits or family allowances

  • Using your card for daily expenses or travel

  • Making personal online purchases

Unauthorized Activities

  • Declare a non-residential address (domiciliation address, forwarding address, industrial address...)

  • Using the Moneco account for business needs: receiving payments from clients, paying suppliers, expenses related to professional activities...

  • Buying / selling currency exchange

  • Trading and P2P cryptocurrency platforms

  • Buying / selling goods

➡️ Can Moneco suspend or close my account?

In case of non-compliance with our rules and General Conditions, yes.

To find out more about the supporting documents you may be asked to provide, read our dedicated article.

Our detailed Terms & Conditions :

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