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Our rules & T&Cs
Updated over 12 months ago

Our detailed General Terms of Use are available in your Moneco application under Settings > Legal Documentation.

Professional use of the account

Moneco is intended for individuals and not for professionals, so it is prohibited to be paid directly by clients or for professional reasons on Moneco. However, you can cash in or be paid into another account in your name (e.g., Wise or Paysera) and then transfer the money to Moneco.


It is not possible to trade crypto or P2P with the Moneco account. This is considered professional use of the account.

However, the Moneco account can be used to cash out your earnings from a wallet in your name, and the Moneco card allows you to make purchases on crypto sites.

Freelancers and self-employed

It is not possible to receive your fees or sales directly into your Moneco account as this is considered professional use of the account. However, you can receive your fees into another account in your name (e.g., Wise or Paysera) and then transfer the money to Moneco.

Dropshipping, E-commerce, and affiliate marketing

It is not possible to use the Moneco account for dropshipping, e-commerce, or affiliate marketing. Deposits into your Moneco account will be considered professional use of the account.

Proof of residence

We may ask you for proof of residence dated within the last 3 months in your name for the address in France provided when creating your Moneco account.

Example of proof of residence:

  • Fixed or mobile phone bill, electricity, gas, or water bill.

  • If you are hosted: a bill in the name of the host dated within three months + a certificate of accommodation + the host's identity document.

Can Moneco suspend my account?

Yes, in either of the following situations:

  • After 21 days without a response from you when we ask for proof of activity; or

  • In case of non-compliance with our rules and General Conditions.

Can Moneco close my account?

At any time and without justification, we reserve the right to close the account and terminate the T&C:

  • in case of doubt about the authenticity of the identification documents collected, suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing, or

  • in case of false declaration or non-compliance with any of the above requirements.

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